Monday, June 21, 2010

Weekly Update - June 14th-20th - Routine

This past week was pretty routine in the musical sense.  Taught a lesson Monday.  Rehearsed with Michelle and Adam on Tuesday. Continued work on Neon's debut album and rehearsed with Joe & Jaran on Wednesday.  Thursday was mostly spent working.  Friday, the work on Neon's debut album continued.  The basic guitar tracks and the scratch vocals for all the songs are nearly complete and we are hoping to tackle some bass and drums in the upcoming week.

I also spent time during the week adding drums, bass and a guitar solo to a charity project I am recording.  I have been trying to spend 45-90 minutes a night rehearsing as a one man band and writing new songs in the garage each night.  I think I am going to have to push back the goal of having a set of one man band material ready in the next month a bit as it is proving more difficult than I thought it would and I want to spend more time working on new material.

This past week I realized that I tend to go a little insane and get hyper-focused on musical projects and end up creating artificial time tables that really don't do anything but increase my stress level.  So this week I hope to spend a little more time outside in contemplation and get better work done because of it, we shall see I guess.  In other news the upstairs flooring project is pretty much complete, which is good because I am spending my days off focused on the Neon project.

Until next week!