Monday, May 24, 2010

Weekly Update - May 17th - 23rd - City

<a href="">Auction by BRAHMAN SHAMAN</a>

This past week ended up being fairly busy music wise.  Taught a lesson on Monday afternoon. Did a rehearsal with Michelle Lynn on Tuesday evening after a nice long walk with her and Adam as we awaited the closure of the retail store below their apartment.  Wednesday I spent the morning enjoying the outdoors while working on the arrangements for some new in progress songs.  Spent most of the rest of the morning being frustrated by baseboard trim installation in the house.  Got the yard mowed before it got too hot and had a good Shaman rehearsal with Jaran and Joe in the evening.

I also had Thursday off and again spent the morning working on songs and the most of the rest of the day being frustrated by baseboard trim, alas a carpenter I am not.  Friday, Joe, Jaran and I headed up to the Acadia Cafe in Minneapolis to play at a Driftless Music showcase put on by Adam Wiltgen.  Unfortunately the sound man for the show decided not to show and left the bands to sort of figure out on our own which we did with varying degree's of success.  Had a lot of fun drumming for Michelle Lynn during her set and also had a fun electric Shaman set, however, the late night drive home was about 3 hours longer than I would have liked.

After unsuccessfully trying to catchup on missed sleep Saturday morning I headed down to Iowa for another Rearview Mirror rehearsal with the original lineup.  Practice went well and it is always fun to hang out with Jason, TJ and Adam all in one place.

Made it back in time Sunday to teach a quick lesson and unload and set gear back up in the studio.  After getting most of a large branch which had fallen cut up I retreated to the air-conditioning for a lazy end to the day.

Will be drumming this Thursday at Del's bar in La Crosse, WI for Michelle Lynn and with the other Bad Passenger, Adam Ptacek at 10pm.