Monday, June 7, 2010

Weekly Update - May 31st - June 6th - One Man Band

Because of the extended holiday weekend this past week was slightly abbreviated.  After work Tuesday I taught a lesson to my Decorah student who is making great progress on his second original song.  After the lesson I had a rehearsal with Michelle Lynn and The Bad Passengers.  Our next gig is this coming Saturday, June 12th at The Bandit County Fair in DeSoto, WI at 1pm.  Click here for more info.

Wednesday I had the day off and spent the morning continuing to work on new songs.  I have also been trying to spend a little more time with the guitar than I have been in the past couple years and use that as starting point for the writing of new songs.  Wednesday eve Joe and Jaran were over for a split Brahman Shaman / Wigglepuppy rehearsal and we continue to get more comfortable with each projects material.

Thursday I left work early to go to an ultrasound appointment with my wife. We are happy to announce that we are expecting our first child, a baby girl this Fall.  We are very excited and although I may take a break from any live performing for a few months around the birth I think all the changes the new baby will bring to my life will be nothing but positive.

Friday I worked and also mailed out DEMO packages to a number of my favorite independent labels.  Not expecting much, but little feedback would be nice.  Friday night I constructed my make-shift one man band equipment with a miniature bass drum and a tom drum modified to have  snare sound and to be played with a bass drum pedal.  Special thanks to Adam and Michelle for loaning me a couple of these components to test out the concept.  Once I got the two drum kit assembled I soon realized how difficult it is to play a drum beat with two feet while singing and playing guitar, but practice makes improvement and I am excited to work up a whole set of material utilizing this set-up, check out a video of my progress on Why oh Why using this one man band setup below.

Saturday I gave a lesson to my La Crosse student and it is good to see all his hard work paying off.  The rest of the weekend was spent doing errands, chores, working on the home improvement projects and continuing practice as the one man band.

Until next time...