Monday, April 19, 2010

Weekly Update - April 12th - April 18th - Spring Breaker?

<a href="">Lost at Sea by BRAHMAN SHAMAN</a>

Monday and Tuesday were spent working.  Tuesday night Jaran & Joe were over and we did a split practice focusing first on the Brahman Shaman material and then on the Wiggle Puppy tunes.  Things are moving along pretty well and I think we will be prepared for our upcoming shows at the beginning of May.

I had the day off Wednesday and spent the early morning working on a new song "Love it or Leave it".

It was a beautiful day outside and I was happy to get my container garden planted, now to see if anything sprouts.

I worked Thursday but had a chance to see both Adam Ptacek and Adam Wiltgen before I left Decorah for the day.  After that I had a great meeting with local talents Neon at the Root Note.  These guys write great songs and I am hoping to have the opportunity to help them get some good recordings done this summer at Ghost in My House Studio.

I had the day off Friday and my brother and singer-songwriter Mark Vana arrived early in the afternoon and we immediately set to work on recording nine songs.  This project took us through Sunday noon and it was exhausting and rewarding all at the same time.

This next week is already looking busy, but maybe some relaxation time on the weekend...